[Prev|Next|Index] Thu, Feb 22, 1996 Anthony Pecoraro HAIL TO OUR NATION (Dedicated to President Clinton) By Anthony Pecoraro (Dedicated to President Clinton) HAIL TO OUR NATION So this land be great Hail to our President Hail to our people Praise to our compassionate lawmakers All our lands breathe to free Like the flower pushing through the ground Like a pebble rolling to its place All our whispers shouting free We give our great We give our time For all these lands We cherish as thine And the many fields And the corn babes glow And the buildings of wonder We, the teachers of free To show the brave To care for the pain Hail to our President Hail to our people Praise to our compassionate lawmakers So this land be great And the roses bloom And the air so sweet And the cleansing seas washing away our folly Let our schools rise again Let our cites shine once more And the children play And our food is cleansed And our health endure With the mountains and their beauty With the deserts and their peace Praise to our compassionate lawmakers Hail to our President Hail to our people So this land be great To breathe the free To whisper our call And the rains so nourish And the many winds cleanse And the snow falls perfect and pure No more will our rivers divide No longer do we fear our brother And the press be pure And the forests give plenitude Like the birds that soar Like the whales that dance And the shuttle floats And the lands be free Hail to our people Hail to our President Praise to our compassionate lawmakers For all is for America to endure And the people are happy For the policeman, the fireman, BR> the nurse, and the soldier Give of themselves As the meadows flourish As the animals prance And the sick are held in caring arms And our children are safe And the elderly are enchanted Like the stars the shine Like the Sun that warms Praise to our compassionate lawmakers Hail to our President Hail to our people So our land be great This, our nation, is free --Anthony L. Pecoraro, 9-23-94 [4] (Book 28) c.1994 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Twenty-Four Hours of Democracy]